not bad
it was good a great start but why is it so short of a demo hpoe the next will have more in it
ok, go!
not bad
it was good a great start but why is it so short of a demo hpoe the next will have more in it
i give a 4 its not a die hard!
i hope your next game is bigger !
Im slightly reminiscent.
I am not sure why, but the style of the game reminds me of Killer 7. Not that such a game was bad either, it was as good as this one is. I really would have liked to keep playing...the demo thing prohibits me from doing so. The premise is good, however, not often the psychics topic is touched in a game.
It was a bit too short, even for a demo. But It was still really good. Make it great in the full version!
this completely sucked!!!!Do some work and possibly it can be better.