Hey how do you play? and im from indonesia
Hey im from indo and that... you know a little bit diffrent but great wheres mall kelapa gading?
Game have simulation type to sale of Indonesia food in the locations in some towns in Indonesia. Advantage got from sale strategy game pursuant to storey;level hobby of consumer in location to different cookery, membership storey;level workers, mount speed in serving, storey;level quality of cookery, big storey;level and affluence of sale place, mount quality from competitor which different each other, as according to character each.
Hey how do you play? and im from indonesia
Hey im from indo and that... you know a little bit diffrent but great wheres mall kelapa gading?
But thers a bug I wuz playing it then owtta nowere mi munny jst dissapeared from mi bank acoount n mi munny on me but alright wulda givn it a 9 but bkuz of tht bug its a well 7
it is not your first submission, so... you have all redy know what the people want,
and, this is a little sissy,
is enogh work, but... nothing new or interesting
not that bad
it is kinda like lemonade tycoon(i beat it in 60 minutes... lemonade tycoon the free trial) this game was not that bad but still there is room for improvement
cool one
that was an interesting game. a little bit complex at first, but once i figured this one out, then it became a little simpler, but it still had a nice challenge to it and it also has a nice concept to it as well.