The animation sucks, and the shorts make no sense whatsoever. not worth it.
Almost a year in creation, we encountered many problems: broken USB pens, arguments, PC crashes, Flash 8 breaking
and nervous breakdowns (seriously). But at long last, Ultimate Gaming Parody 2 is here! Miles better than the original with proper models, lip syncing, voice acting and more! We still didn't say it was good though. :3 IT'S 8 MINUTES LONG BTW!
WARNING: Medium quality/ fast PCs recommended, otherwise voices can be cut off and sounds can be in the wrong places.
There is also a preloader game Hbomb threw together for when the movie's loading!
Harry: If this gets an award, I will personally put videos of myself on the internet eating a real hat. For real.
The animation sucks, and the shorts make no sense whatsoever. not worth it.
i blam this crap
it sucks no offence
Random as all hell!
This was one of the most random flashes I have ever seen. lol. i absolutly loved it.
i agree with loveofgrim
piece of crap
This was SHIT