there already is an elf clock, but you have palmclocks praise!
Night Elf Clock meets an Orc. If you don't like Clock movies GTFO. Lol. This is just a short little flash to sorta introduce my new clock, Night Elf clock. I really like him? Feedback? Any improvements? (on the night elf not the flash)...THANKS!
there already is an elf clock, but you have palmclocks praise!
hi there night elf clock
i love this movie but it would be more funny if it was a dwarf! i love WoW!
welcome night elf clock
i thought it was halrious ... smashed his face in with a taco soft or crunchy?
A new clock eh? Your style is neat. If you wanna be a Clock go to Clockcrew dot CC ^___^
It was cute...
I like the clocks and the animation was spiffy. Nice new style. I think I'll follow your work.