Well its Okay E-Card of course
Its a E-card design but the thing ill give you a 8 because it was original and you had a glitch if you keep playing it the video ends the music keeps playing until you exit so there you go
just a little something for all the lovers on ng.
Well its Okay E-Card of course
Its a E-card design but the thing ill give you a 8 because it was original and you had a glitch if you keep playing it the video ends the music keeps playing until you exit so there you go
I really even if it has been a long time since Valentine's Day 2007. Also, can someone do a game or movie about the St.Valentine's Day Massacre?
not bad one
that was an alright e-card style animation. not too too much to this one though, but the graphics were nice and it was cool for v-day.
thanks very much :)
I understand
I thought it was a pretty good flash for V-Day (aka Singles Awareness Day). For what it is, I think you did a good job. I'm sure it was somewhat simple to do, but it could be used as a various "E-Card"-like thing. However, just because there are some of us users out there that can't/haven't done flash yet, doesn't mean you should discount their opinion, we still know what's good, whether or not we can make it.
thnaks for the review, i was just puting a point across.
it just says happy valintines day! what happens when its not valentines day huh?
its just for today to say happy valintines day, so please comment when you can make flash.