LOL! This was downright funny, especially the parts with Ico!
Big thanks to Tom for adding this to the V-day page.
Like the Halloween special from 2005, This Valentines day special is a collection of short cartoons I strung together.
Featuring Characters from Final Fantasy 9, Ico, Fire Emblem, Some movie from a year ago, and final fantasy one.
Happy Valentines Day
LOL! This was downright funny, especially the parts with Ico!
A bit of advice
I think on the "Sain on Fire" scene, you should've put Torches in Rachel's (Or her correct name) inventory. Or else how would she set him on fire? Otherwise, Great job. Love your work.
poor sain
it was funny overall but why did u do that to sain? T_T
This is why your on my favorite authors list. Your just so funny. You've gotten a lot better with flash. I also love some of the charicter designs but the Link at the beggining bugged me a little bit. Over all I'd say you have pretty under ratted stuff.
That was brillant. The Ico parody was good and so was the hidden movie!