wow i love korea!
Korean Love Story on Valentines Day 2007
Inspired by the music from North Korea and the animation style from South Korea, this movie shall warm the hearts of everyone on Valentines Day!
Script and Animations by Kenzu Milagro
Korean translations by Seoyoon and Klava
Music by Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Plot: This all takes place in reunified Korea. A boy falls in love with a girl. As soon as the school finishes he cathes up with her to talk to her, but she doesn't respond. He think she rejected him, but is confused, because she is a nice girl. What he doesn't know is that secretly she loves him as well, but is too shy, when he is near. He decides to tell her he loves her. What will happen next?
PS: To give it "more touch", everything takes place in Pyongyang!
Tags: Valentine's Day Korea Korean dongmu Soviet Style communist socialist socialism communism comrade anticapitalist rsfp21comrade redstar redstarflagproject21 music video
wow i love korea!
Nice love story!;D
This was a nice love story.I really enjoyed the animation,music and everything in it.It reminds me in alot of ways of ''There She Is!!''.May not be as good as good as ''There She Is!!'',but it was quite good,enjoyfull and I rewatched it,just like I did with ''There She Is!!''Make more if you can,please.:D
For Calrification
Women = Chest Bumps men = Flat Chest
A nice story!
I liked how you combined the music from the north, and animation style from the south, giving a better idea of uniting both the Koreas together. Hopefully one day they actually will get back together again!
The story was cute, showing that love flourishes, even under oppressive regimes, and the animation was well done. Keep practicing with flash animations, until your own distinctive style really gets more clear and crisp. You have a good way to telling stories, and making more of these might help fine-tune your art style!
Good love story
also good drawing of monuments.