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Author Comments

Well, this is my first movie,
I hope you all like it and especially the soundeffects!!!
and ohyeah i forgot: XIAO XIAO 3 kicks ass!!

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The Flub has Flopped!

I know this is your first flash and i am hoping u have improved. but this junk has got to go!

It was ok

I think u should try 2 make another flash but not about flubber. I have no idea how 2 make a flash movie but i know it takes time.some people who don't know how 2 make flash movies/games do not understand how hard it is 2 do. This one was okay. Make another one and spend more time on it.

Smiley was ere


HORRIBLE, PITIFUL, TERRIBLE. Uterly sucks in almost all ways.

Not Bad...

OK, I didn't understand the joke, and the "fireball" graphics especially could use some work, but, although the quality wasn't always the greatest (not normalized), the editing in of the sound effects was very well done. It's not worth viewing more than once though, maybe if we knew what was going on and why.

this movie is tha bom

ok the grafics arend prefect
but the sound just is soooooo cooooooooollllll!!
vote 5 is my jive

goed gedaan rehan,

Credits & Info

4.17 / 5.00

Nov 2, 2001
10:26 AM EST