This game is ***
No its not bad its awesome but the hard part about it is the checkpoints...Make more !!! :D
*Update* made certain levels a bit easier, but not too much, Thanks to the flash artist UltraTwo for helping me get an idea of how I should fix the bug (Found my own way in the end.).' fixing the click cheat bug.
15 Levels.
5 Extra hard bonus levels.
This game is a mouse maze game, please do not vote/review on that fact, if you don't wish to play it, don't.
My first game, i'm pretty proud of it, Thanks for checking it out guys!
NOTE: Passwords are case sensitive, and put the first password in input 1, the second in input 2, etc.
The password system is NOT broken.
This game is ***
No its not bad its awesome but the hard part about it is the checkpoints...Make more !!! :D
Pretty nice, I didn't cheat on the other levels, so.. that means.. No castrating anywhere, way, or how? ^-^
I REALLY hope to see sequels, (Especially ones where you CAN'T cheat.)
Hopefully you'll be tending to make more stuff like this...
Nice work Clace. Really addicting, smooth flowing game. Nice music to go along with it btw...
Very nice.
This game is awsome...addictive and very smooth flowing game play. Well done =D
Very Nice
Very good work, give u that credit, read ur PM sent u something...keep up the good work
Ok thanks!