cant wait!
cant wait for it, cant wait to play it!
Road Blocks 2 was released on Newground way back in the fall of 2004. Since then I have been promising fans more levels, new blocks, and better graphics. This March I'm releasing Road Blocks 2 and finally making good on my promises. I hope this sneak peek will be enough to tease your brain until then.
Stay tuned at:
cant wait!
cant wait for it, cant wait to play it!
What the Hell, this video didn't make any sence...
First of all you can do a lot better than that.
I watched it and it sucked, not to be rude or anyhting...
Like-what the hell is Road Blocks 2 anyway?
The video was proboally 12 seconds
How bad could have this been?
I'm not trying to be rude and all that
I'm telling you what i mean
I mean come on you can do better than that...
I'm a computer programer and an computer animator that spends more of his time on moviemaker and paint.
You should try it...
but i'm sorry if i have offended you-
If there was anything you didn't know and you were inexperienced in downloading some software...etc
Word to word-i don't know how to use it just like you so i'm just studing everything for now till i put my real vid. on newgrounds.
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"If you are giving this submission a low score, please offer constructive criticism that will be useful to the artist. The review space is not a place for you to act like a total asshole. If your review is found to be mean, offensive, or generally not helpful, you will be banned and your account may be terminated. NOTE: Any attempt to promote an outside, unrelated website in this space will result in the deletion of your user account."
Wow. 100 levels? I can't wait for Roadblocks 2 to finally come out. The first one is awesome, I play it all the time. I know the 2nd one will be even better.
Unnecessary Trailers
I voted thumbs down just cuz I'm not a big trailer fan in the first place and then the fact that this is a trailer for a game thats not like that complex, no offense, but thats why i found it funny at the same time.
I'm looking forward to it.
Good luck in completing that.