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Message for the KK

February 9, 2007 –
July 27, 2024
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

The KK has been stealing UU intro's lately and i just don't find it to be fair that they can use our hard work without actually doing any edits to it.

Also, E-bot wanted me to tell you all that he's looking for a guy to love him.


Oh no!

What a giant QQ this was... I scoff at your petty rivalries. I have no rivals in my masterful domination of the flash medium, I sit alone at the top of the tower looking down at all your pathetic organizations wondering to myself why you even try. Take solace in the fact that neither you, nor KK can dance in my shadows of greatness. You are both equally the dog waste under the soles of my feet. I hope I have inspired you to not suck so much in the future.


OMG THE KITTY KREW! NOBODY LIKES THEM! Alright so about the flash. you could of done so much more. i mean at least make fun of them, like make shorts of ppl from the kitty krew being destroyed or something. they friggen suck so much balls. anyways you guys could of done so much more. and i gave you an 8 cus you were telling the KK off. good job on that.

<deleted> responds:

oh deary me

true enough

I'd give this a average of the 6 other ratings like usual, but this was true, kitty krew, star syndicate, robot rangers, glock group, lock legion(especially because they make fun of strawberry clock, not that I like the clocks, but something copying something already crappy, and calling it original.... pretty lame), and the clock crew, are basically spammers, sometimes youll see good things from the Clock Crew, but rarely.

Now to the Uzi Union, you didnt copy the clock crew, or the locks. You parodied the glocks, which is funny

Anyway, i <3 this flash, good points and made by people who know there stuff, so *cheers*


<deleted> responds:



the reasons for 0 in Violence interactivity and Humor are becuse there was none, but other than that you guys are right. KK is a group that puts no time or effort into their work and only makes it through the portal by haveing about 20 members vote 5's on themselfs, and even then they make it through by the skin of their teeth. they dont have enough breathing room to go ticking off other groups. they should accually try on their submissons, insted of bad parodys and hipocrytical stealing. i respect that you have the decensey to only tell them to stop and avoid sinking to their level, but it would be nice to see someone take them down with a good counterattack... oh well im rambleing. oh and to KK, i dont hate you, only everything you make becuse its stupid. i dont know you guys enough to hate or like.

<deleted> responds:

wht are u talkin about ther was plenty of violence, interactivity and humor in this movie


i love the way you say you have some "human decency" despite the fact all your emoteicons are about kkk and lynching.

<deleted> responds:



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