From what I've seen, your style has improved over the time of Utopia 1. I'm impressed, and touched by the story. You've done a good job making the robot "human". What was the music you used for when the robot escapes the lab?
When I release the part 2 of this flash, I will put it together with this one for one big movie. It will be called "Utopia 2: before and after", meaning the prequel and the sequel. Many people were asking me how did he get into the forest, so I decided to make a sequel of how he got there and if he survived the forest. The whole finished version of Utopia 2 should be out before next year. Thanks - enjoy
From what I've seen, your style has improved over the time of Utopia 1. I'm impressed, and touched by the story. You've done a good job making the robot "human". What was the music you used for when the robot escapes the lab?
sorry for the more than a year late response but the song is from The Fifth Element soundtrack and it's called "protect life"
Don't you mean "sequel"?
Hey, enjoyed the movie.. lots of plot stuff, I like it.
But, considering this movie takes place AFTER the Utopia movie you made before where he's running through the forest, then this is a sequel, not a prequel. Prequel means it takes place BEFORE, while a sequel means it takes place after. So you may want to change that.
anyhow, good work overall... the last guy I think summarized well the problems with plot and graphics that you might want to look at.
Well you see, the whole movie takes place afterwards, but the story that is being shown (his flashback) is the main focus of this movie, wich is the prequel of it.
Beautiful graphics
So much better than Utopia its frustrating. The story will go from this to that.
The sound is good and the music is very well chosen.
the art is wonderful and the animation is very good. Possibly Radial is a little overused, try a little more conventional shading in the mix, I know it takes more memory though.
I would like to see a better image of him breaking free, I feel seeing only the top of him was a cop-out.
I think it would be better with a rattling sound when he tries to break free.
I don't like your funny hit areas on the play button on this and Utopia.
I dont quite get the book thing. If he picked it up when he was in the little cave and reads it at the beginning of Utopia, why does he not have it when he leaves the old mans home?
You will have to sort out the names- if its a prequel you can't call it Utopia 2. its either Utopia 0 or its Utopia 1 and Utopia is named Utopia 2 or you just call it Utopia Prequel!
Fifth is spelt thus.
Excellant work. your art is becoming SO top class and the animation is getting better too.
Best Wishes,
IceDragon64 of the Dragons & Spirits
Well in the old mans home is after he got crushed in Utopia 1. The old man simply repaired him. So he doesn't have that book anymore. And you're right about the radiants, I will and should stop using them. And as far as calling it a prequel, It's because I needed something to call this first part of the second movie, and sense it shows his flashback of how he got in the forest, I just made it the prequel part.
An Amazing Sci-Fi Robot Tween Flash.
I'm sorry for the 0 for humor, because this flash may be beautiful, but is not funny. It is very sad and touched my heart. The expressions of fear that robot made in reaction to those photos showing his past mission sorta touched me. I don't know if the light music added to the effect, but anyway the movie is quite eye-catching and is unique due to the use of fast tween motion. Although the use of excessive tweening is used in this flash, the author dishes it out with artistry and manages to give us a high quality smoothly rendered futuristic world of plant monster v.s. machine.
Ooo, I like you.
great one!
I gotta admit, this is a real well-done animation. I'm looking foward to the next one