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Author Comments

please send reviews:) this took me 4 days to make and I just wanted to put somthing on NG. The songs block party by banquet, or banquet by blockparty :\

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(title in work)

I thought it was alright for the most part. The music was cool and the animations weren't bad in the beginning. It seemed like it was going to have a nice storyline to go with the music, but you kind of ruined it towards the end. The thing about sandwiches made no sense, and michael jackson at the end made even less sense. That kind of ruined it for me.


that was really funny but u have to work on the graphics

Nosockz responds:

roflskates yeah I do need to fix it, i'm making a new one... a actual 3 min one lol. im in the process.


Wow that was amazing. It started like you were working on something good and then just all of a sudden bam sandwich making time haha.

Nosockz responds:

lol BAM, i didnt like the ending though

I agree with the last guy.

It was pretty good though and it was the beginners thing.

P.S WTF is the Michael Jackson part?

*Sonic KB*

Nosockz responds:

i dunno really, i was just leaning toward the MJ + random = vote 5, but no1 knew about that

it started out so good....

....and then died so fast. Excellent job for a first submission. I'd like to see the finished/expanded version.

Nosockz responds:

lol yeah it did I wanted to continue but the song just gets unusable, the guy starts mumbling and i just decided to end there , anyway I've got 5 animaions on NG as of now. And I've been animating for like three years now. I just haven't been giving much effort at the end.

Credits & Info

2.83 / 5.00

Feb 2, 2007
8:08 PM EST