I can only assume you hate scrapple too. . .
I mean, this cartoon was high-freakin-larious!
I kept watching it over and over, all the while, thinking of my friend who actually EATS the crap. Her entire family eats it, really. I'm not sure why, (other than the fact that the manufacturing process AND the contents are disgusting) but I find even the THOUGHT of scrapple absolutely repulsive. Ugh! Scrapple, all types of hash, Spam, liver pudding, Braunschweiger, potted meats, Vienna Sausages, so on and so forth, you get the point.
Anyhoo, good job and I just wanted you to know you really made me smile.
Catchy music, awesome artwork and random subject material.
*pats you on the back for a job well done*
I'm looking forward to checkin' out some more of your work, justin-james!
Until you see words from me next, I suppose. . .
............Take care, be good and eat some vegetables.period