Ha ha ha, that was funny when he got hit by the car! You're a great clay animator, man. Maybe we could make a movie together!
I've always wanted to make this ever since I saw Mystery Car.
Ha ha ha, that was funny when he got hit by the car! You're a great clay animator, man. Maybe we could make a movie together!
not bad one
that was an alright claymation. nice usage of the clay and it was quite amusing, though the whole plot behind this claymation was a little bit random overall, but your efforts were nice and it was worth checking out.
nice job dood!
Okay this video was cool and funny ^_^ BUT I gave a 0 to the style 'cause its exactly KNOX's style and ya should remove the ''non knox's klays icon'' ... its pretty offensive to knox. but nice job dood!
If you notice above the anti-Knox icon there's a D.A.R.E. icon. It's meant to be against Knox realated Drugs.
If you don't know DARE is a program to keep kids off drugs. I mean no offence to Knox. If fact if you read the desctiption, This is a Knox Parody. The characters are identical for just that reason!!!
Kinda Funny
Good Job, saw your reflection in the window.
It was okay
I usually have a no claymation policy, but this one was truly exceptional. Great work.