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Spinister Ep. 014

January 31, 2007 –
July 27, 2024
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

spinister fuck you


Ah, recycled art, we meet again. The gradient background was nicely fitting, and the gradients for the character were subtle and appropriately used. The shading was nice, too.

I look forward to reviewing more of your high-quality spam (or at least higher quality than other spam). 3/5


i voted 5 now please convert to the dominicandiscombobulate beauteous curvaceous sect of southern baptism (all other religions are lies our small branch is the only true way)

<deleted> responds:


Guy below me thought that you were advertising.

And the guy below him thought that crap should be censored to cr**.
Lol some people on Newgrounds can be real ninnies, eh?

Ways to improve:
1. I liked the graphics and awesome preloader and intro and all, but a flash is dependant on one graphics, it needs a whole movie.
2. Add music.

Listen, even if you do cheat the voting system to get every flash through, it doesn't mean that people like it. All that they think are, "ZOMG THIS GUY HAS ANOTHER FLASH ON NG FREE PROTECTION POINT!!!!!!!!1"

<deleted> responds:


Not much

Its not enought to make a animation that loops and play music.
You should do something longer and less looping.
But the grafic looks nice.

(BTW: The response to the last rewiev is just shocking. I'm German and associating the Germans by saing something like "german power" under "Gas the jews" its... not right. Not every german is a Nazi. In fact nearly every German is against the Nazis so please dont write answers like this!)

<deleted> responds:


Nothing happens.

Nice loader, kewl character. But nothing happens.

Why would anybody want to watch a stationary character do nothing for a whole song?

<deleted> responds:

because i am gay


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