good idea.....
well... this is good idea but i did not figure out this with the pass..
i wrote it and klicked play but nothing happened..
This is a game I made in my spare time, so it is really quite simple. I will read all comments and improve the game accordingly. You can submit bugs here: Thanks go to tommYVF for the music. The harder the difficulty, the less time you have to spend on a level to complete it. If you're stuck, try using diagonals.
good idea.....
well... this is good idea but i did not figure out this with the pass..
i wrote it and klicked play but nothing happened..
not bad at all
My issues with the game were the long reload times, how you didn't automatically go from level 1 ro level 2 but had to enter password, and how I wasn't notified to well about when I lost lives.
nice work
I think it needs some tweeking tho. I could only get off one shot and then run run run. game has potential.
Taking on weapons was a big leap - although it didn't take me that long, I still need to get the balance right, which will be a long process. No doubt weapons will play a bigger part in forthcoming versions.
Very nice
Very nice ...
Cons some of the abiltys such as the redish line attacks seemed to due nothing but it probly has a purpose that i missed
very unique
Try checking the instructions! That redish line attack is the aiming guide: space is to fire. Anyway, thanks for the eight: I'm glad you enjoyed it!
No Thanks
It's a little boring for me...
Why not be a little constructive? It doesn't hurt to say "this is how you could make it better" you know....