that was so stupid if u have that much timw u should b out geting layd or something better watching tv would have ben a better thing 2 do!!!god
that was so stupid if u have that much timw u should b out geting layd or something better watching tv would have ben a better thing 2 do!!!god
cool one
that was a pretty interesting animation. a little random overall, but it was quite nice to watch, good audio and your efforts were nice.
I like this movie, the music fitted and it looks great!
That was pretty good and it doesnt deserve to be blammed because of your effort. But you shouldnt haveused your have used your hands for scene transitions, you should've use a piece or cardboard or something.
Graphics-0 because it isnt actualy drawn
Style-7 because I like stop animation films
Sound-6 because it was very fiting
Violence-0 because there wasnt any
Interactivity-0 because there wasnt any
Humor-0 because I didnt see the humor in it
Overall-7, it was pretty good!
A nice stop animation film, 3/5.