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Animals of Government?

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This is a project for my government class. The subject I have chosen was on animal testing, Alyssa's was on whales and Alex's was on gay marriage I think.
Some how we accumulated them all into this for the video portion of the project.
Alex and Alyssa provided the story boards and such, and I did the animation you're staring at in horror right now.

Voices are:
Sally Muffin- Alyssa
Dr. Joe- Alyssa
Random other people- Tanya

Midna theme (Zelda: twilight princess)
Two Horns (tortuga) (POTC II)

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giving you a ten cuz it was pretty cool ya know my sis became a vegan cuz of animal testing

Go animals!

I liked the flash a whole lot and it gets a 9 from me because it had penguins and penguins are the greatest.

its okay.

didnt make me laugh but it gets the point across HOWEVER since you used twilight princess music you get 8.


Bravo, dude, really. I actually just finished reading the wikipedia bit on animal homosexuality, so this totally gets points for the totally true story about male penguins mating for life. Like, really, way to go. =) I'm just gonna give you a fucking ten and leave it at that.

cool one

that was a pretty interesting animation. it definitely had a good idea/concept to it, good graphics, nice characters and it offered some nice entertainment. i notice that this was for a class as well... hope you got a good grade for this one. one downfall: the sound of the audio. increase the volume, and it'll be better.... other then that, it was nice.

Credits & Info

3.72 / 5.00

Jan 23, 2007
12:29 AM EST