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Kid Niki: Stealth

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Kid Niki: Stealth (EPISODE 1)
This is part one, so the storyline (why Niki is after his enemies, who are the two people he is about to fight, etc.) will be reveiled in future episodes!
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2006-2007 Anima Productions - www.animaproductions.us.tf

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lol this was pretty good, nice job, the only thing that i didnt like was the jumping noise, it sorta got annoying lol :P

Makes, me, happy

AVERAGE?!? AVERAGE?!?!!? THAT WAS FUCKING AWASOME. I was literaly clappying while the movie was playing! There might have been no plot, but this beats the shit out of other alot of other sprite movies out there. GREAT JOB! Lets hope there is a sequal!


Seems like another sprite movie to me. The sound problems are obvious and the graphics are decent, considering they're sprite-based. However the movie itself seemed ... to lack a point. Maybe the second will have something more to offer than watered down matrix-esque fights and a ninja.

Pretty sweet.

Seems like a good flash. Nice job. But I only have to problems with it.
1. Bad Music Loop. You can clearly hear when the first song loops. Not a good thing to have.
2. Lower the volume with the Jump sound. Gotta have a consistent volume. I heard the jump noise and threw the headphones off my head it was that loud.
Other than that, keep it up. I expect to see a part two soon.

so violent it was funny

the second best viedo

Credits & Info

3.93 / 5.00

Jan 18, 2007
4:22 PM EST