not bad but u need to put missions in it
I made this game mostly for school purpose but since i've
had some nice comments I decided to post it here aswell to
entertain you people.
in the first place i was going to wait untill version 3.0
wich will be inproved with a time deadline and a rotating
pointer around the scope to give the player a hint of the
direction it shoud be looking at. This is mostly to make it
more fun to play since it doesnt have a soul purpose now.
I hope you people will enjoy this game and please feel free
to mail bugs or suggestions to my mail
the preloader i put on to the game was provided to me by
a friend though he didnt remember where he got it from,
since i really liked the preloader i really wanted to use
it, therefore I hope you wont find it a problem using it
without being able to fully provice your name and credits.
if someone knows the name, please tell me so i can edit the
not bad but u need to put missions in it
not bad, could be better
pretty basic, go ahead n shoot the bullseyes, but it really needs some kind of time limit or other challenge to it to really be more interesting
but one of the things i noted was the bullseye could go behind the music icon, which isn't a desireable thing in a snipe game. other than that, not bad at all
Needs Work
Main menu.
More levels.
More sound then just the rifle crack and clank.
Timer to make it more difficult.
Human targets.
An arrow pointing to your next target,or option to zoom out to find next target
pretty cool just as the guy under me said you need to work on the sound and add some levels or maybe challenges and did i say u should try to make a main menu?