Vintage Flash animation from 2001. First episode of the series...Bigfoot's mouth will never look the same again after this one.
if this show can keep me on my toes, I'll continue
I loved the drawings for when bigfoot was pouncing. Art throughout was crisp with nice lines, though I wasn't too keen on the way you drew BF's left arm for some reason. Kinda didn't like the way you drew it obviously as 2 elipses, unlike the other, which was treated as a single nice curvey shape.
The premise is amusingly zany and I'm actually quite saddened in some ways by how much of a bastard BF is.
Voices were really understandable and crisp, with fairly good acting.
Enjoyable watch and if this show can keep me on my toes, I'll continue to enjoy it.
OMFG xD les get to the cookin..cocaine= :O??!!!
Very Good!!
nice works on the graphics, it's a good idea you got here.
Set it and forget it
Not bad. A little choppy but overall very nice.