Merry Quanzamas
Ah, the joy of seeing the more functional animation, the completely dysfunctional plot and SRM doing his thing in his own style is brilliant. I think that there is a great thing said for your writing by the way that you remember things that happened earlier in the series and threw in things like the cousins now being dead in the closet. Perhaps you can bring them back as part of a Halowe'en special?
The idea of getting into a knife fight with Santa is funny, but the way that it means that no-one in the house will get any presents any more gets past the fact that Santa wouldn't bring presents anyway (sorry kids) and gives us an excuse for more off the wall madness.
At this point, the sound quality is starting to let the side down, but I'm confident that you can surpass this with future flash, getting used to the equaliser and sorting those issues out before publishing. It's nice to see that things are starting to get themselves into nicely coherent works.
I almost suggested going back and redoing old episodes, but we never saw that with The Simpsons or Family Guy, because they sucked at the start, compared to the new animation techniques and the way that the voices have developed. Don't do that, as that I feel would be a step backwards for you - get your new material out there, as that's the main way to get new fans.
I've not noticed that much difference with your voices, but that might be down to the relative age. Perhaps with time, a small, but discernible difference will creep into the voices, who knows?
[Review Request Club]