woah, this is f*ckin cool dude
i like the scene with all the little face things,
but what band is that, i like that guitar riff..
This is a fixed vision of a movie i submitted before but i fixed all of its reported problems including the replay button.what you'll see is a awkward but surprisingly interesting way of creating faces. This is done in frame by frame with 841 frames, and is 70.0 seconds long, .this is my first frame by frame flash and definitely not my last. i respond to all reviews, and criticisms and opinions are always welcome
woah, this is f*ckin cool dude
i like the scene with all the little face things,
but what band is that, i like that guitar riff..
thx . im glad you liked it. the face things were my faveret part to, as soon as i made it i leaned back and thought who that looks cool. also the music is made by a amazing 15 year old artist right on this site is screen name is blackmantis1 and he is absolutely amazing all of his work is incredible. PS , im glad you put me on your faveret artist list im glad you like my work. im actually making more of thees FBF animations so if you have a song request for me make a FBF animation for it drop me a Massage and ill get right on it im constantly looking for songs to make thees things . so thx for the review and enjoy :)
Sorry, but this just didn't do it for me. It was lacking something. It wasn't long enough, but if you had dragged it out longer I would have liked it even less. I wish I could say I loved this, but I didn't. Promise, though. That's what I tell everyone they show. And it isn't stopping at you. You definitely show promise. I myself am not the master at fbf animation either... you can look at "Material" if you want to see for yourself. But keep true to your word. Don't let this be the last fbf animation you do. I know, it's hard. But I'll keep going if you do. Heck, I'll keep going even if you stop making flash forever. But my point is, giving up doesn't get you anywhere. And if you don't give up, you can accomplish almost anything. (keyword: almost) I'm sorry to say that this got a 2/5. But keep trying. ;)
thx im sorry you didn't like it but thx for the speech about me keep trying but its kinda sad iv been making flashes for longer than 3 years... ya im hopeless my flashes still suck. but i guess if you look at my work you can see a very gradual change it slowly gets better and better so i see what you meen but i can barely see my improvement and i don't think i ever will but i will take your advise and and keep practicing and keep working on my stuff.also im getting older and more mature and that reflects onto my work drastically lol just look at my review responses on my older stuff its embarrassingly bad and dumb sounding. PS thx, reviews like this actually do help i see nothing but bad reviews and then there is 1 review that gives me hope and lets me know that they see a little potential in me so in short thank you.
Um. I liked the style and the music... But it left me feeling confused.
Really confused.
well it wasn't meant to make sense.lol. but im glad you liked the style thats what i always go for whenever I make one so im glad that was the highest rating well besides sound. lol but that wasn't made by me. but i give tons of credit to him cause he is amazing at music ad i plan on using his work for many of my flashes. but any way thx for the review