Funny Flash MX Animation! 😂
A Flash remake of the original GoldenEye gun barrel, plus loads of bloopers.
Funny Flash MX Animation! 😂
SO FUNNY DUDE ! Good Work !
That is so fucking funny I loved this video so much ! Some of your bloopers were really funny ! I liked the moonwalker one lol. Anyway this is really good.
The 7th blooper.
I loved it. I want the 7th blooper to be the next gunbarrel. (Without the scream, It don't fit James Bond)
No 10/10 cuz the quality is bad.
^^Good Points^^
A unique piece here. Looks like you put some effort into it, and you had a few good ideas for the bloopers. The music quality was good too.
^^Needs Improving^^
I don't see much animating actually done by you here. Looks more like you took some clips and edited a little making it go backwards, overanimating, etc. I really wasn't entertained by much other than the first blooper, which was the only one I thought that was good.
I HAD to give you 10 for this
Maybe I am insane or something but I laughed so much, of those outtakes of yours lol!!