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A version of klondike / patience / solitaire . Sort the cards into piles in the top right hand corner of the screen. Try and get the highest score whilst doing so.

Double click on a stack to put away quickly. Double click on the background to put away any cards that will go.

The default pack changes once a day, consider playing once a day to compete on this daily puzzle.

Right click for fast access to some menu options.

The global score is just each players best score for the last 10 daily packs added together.

Scores are audited by replays which makes it hard to cheat...

Music player is hidden in the top right hand of the screen, move the mouse over it to bring it up. It's an XSPF based player that streams from www.projectopus.com

http://WetDike.WetGenes.c om for anything else I may have forgotten to write here.


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Good solitaire

Really good solitaire game, great graphics and nice idea to include a music player.

Not Bad

It has the solid feel of the good old n' old solitare. I, myself, have never really been a fan, but I rate them how I see them (or hear them). In this case, I believe that this is possibly better than the real thing. The audio that was added in the background was a nice touch, the fact that not all the cards were straight...some were a bit crooked, also added a certain...atmosphere to the game. The visuals on the cards themselves were nice, same with the ranking system. All in all, this is very solid...great job.


Plus, on a side note, make this downloadable...I think that that would make your score scimmie up the ranks a little.

brilliant game with awesome music

this is a great game. i like all the graphics on the cards. although im not a huge solitaire fan this game was an interesting twist and the music in the back added to it.

this is not good or this just plain sucks

u could of been a way better game if there were more to do i can play this without internet come o if this is ur first game then u need to improve on making a whole new game.

Not really...not really at all

Okay, I hate games like these...so basically that means that im just reviewing this to tell you I dont like it. But even though I hate these kind of games and I dont really know much about. I rated it on how well it looked. But thats just my oppinion so dont take it offensive ;)

Credits & Info

3.92 / 5.00

Jan 1, 2007
2:42 AM EST