Did you use a tutorial for this?
It's a funny thing, really. This looks *exactly* like a tutorial I used a few months back. In fact, I'm willing to bet you used that same tutorial to make this. Your layout is exactly the same as the example for the tutorial, but that's not what confirmed my suspicions. There are a few glitches, you see, that were inherent in any tetris game made with that tutorials code. I happened to find every one of these glitches in your game. The one that stands out the most would be when your current piece (the one falling from the top) is right next to a piece that has already been frozen in place, you won't be able to move your current piece away from it.
Anyway, I have no problems with you submitting something you used a tutorial to make, but the least you could do is give credit to where you got your code from.
I'll give you a one out of ten for lack of originality and failing to mention you're not the author of the code.