i remember my part in this...
A life threatening collab.
Notorious on top gum,
MonssiourDEVINE on second gum,
homicidallumberjack on last gum,
Illwilllpress did nothing.
i remember my part in this...
clearly the best
I'm afraid I didn't find this very funny, in fact it made no sense.
The sound quality was decent and the drawings were ok, so at least you have that going for you :)
There needed to be some actual animation, the characters just bobbing around didn't do any more than let you know who was talking and that could have been accomplished by animating the mouths of the characters. This of course would take a little more work but in the end it would probably be worth the time and effort.
Anyway, keep it up, just put some more effort into it and I'm sure you'll come up with something good :)
i suggest you watch Nozno's flash several more times.
And you should also listen to the menu music.
Those might change your mind.
Since you're the only 1 so far and all.
yay. iamwritingthisreviewfrommyhous e.internets.
mostly crap
i voted 5 and stuff coz i thought the one by notorious was cool but other than that it all sucked
yaya notorious gains +5 exp.