are you cereal?
it's pyramid head versus his toughest opponent yet! fangirls! it's a short flash, made to be funny.
please tell me what you think. no v2 in sight unless it's asked for. hope you enjoy! includes pyramid head in a dress.
edit: I added more hearts. and yes, this is very disturbing, but I haven't had a lot of sleep.
I blame the axolotls. and PLEASE REVIEW! PLEASE?
thanks, --heather
edit: the first few reviewers are credited on the replay page
edit edit: added manniquins
warning: no game realtion, spoilers, ect.
edit edit edit: I am slowing updateing the graphics, but if you want to be in the flash, tell me and I might put you in.
4th edit: now a song and dance nightclubbish number with bubblehead nurses, manniquins, and who else, but pyramid head.
edit edit: I will update this until I get it in a collection.
edit edit edit: now with pink axolotls
are you cereal?
I didnt know fangirls of the Pyramid would want to sex-imize him like THAT....
i wish it was a RAPE PARTY
I liked the Nurses at the end :D
Well, I was viewing some of your audio and saw your flashes. Pyramid head fan flash caught my eye greatly. I think Pyramid head is a total pimp. I bet he seduces all the hot sexy nurses in Silent hill.....(and if he can't properly seduce them...we'll we know what he'll do to get what he wants from them anyway....cough Silent Hill 2 closet scene cough cough)
Although, you dressed him up in a girl suit and you didn't color his head red.
All in all...was Ok. Wish it was longer because Pyramid head needs mo-respect, sooon.
You know if pyramid head was really there he'd be having a rape party for sure. You made me lol.