A quiz without any interactivity isn't much of a quiz at all, is it?
Anyways, in the spirit of statwhoring, here's the answers:
01) (B) Tom Fulp
02) (A) LivingCorpse
03) (A) Sherbet
04) (C) TheMaster
05) (A) Sykohyko
06) (B) 1999
07) (A) April 30th
08) (A) Yes
09) (C) Mr Rogers
10) (B) Dobie
11) (A) Psycosis91
12) (B) 5
13) (C) It has no meaning
14) (A) 8
15) (B) ClaveMan
16) (A) April
17) (B) Ozcar
18) (A) Zango
19) (C) Deity (This is inaccurate BTW - Gold's second highest behind Deity)
20) (B) Bret