sorry, but it was gay. it wazn't drawn well, and the voices did not sound very good.
Well, due to newgrounds 2 submissions a day only rule, you had to wait for the last 2 parts to TechenoSama X-mess. I hope those that viewed it so far like what they saw cause it gets better from here ^^. Anyway, let me let you get to it.
Oh btw... for those that can't view these because of the content there is a censored version available on my Deviant art account so go to
to download the age friendly version (14+ years old to view).
sorry, but it was gay. it wazn't drawn well, and the voices did not sound very good.
Okay, fair enough. Youd didn't like it. I'm just curious so humor me. What do you consider to be well drawn in a flash?
It was Ok
All in all it was a good movie, i liked the animation style you used and the voices were of professional quality, although not being very original. I liked the characters and you really got the voices and scripts to match what the characters should be. Storyline was pretty good and i must say i enjoyed it :) I think though, you should get some more original voices, that's the only downfall of this movie, but it's only a really small one because the rest of it outshines any problems really.
Well done!
Very nice. Nothing makes me happier than someone that enjoys what I do. I think he next project I will have to inquire for some extra help.
The voice's raped my ears.
Next time, don't get voice's like those and make your own instead of ripping off some show for kids.
Overall, great animation
Nice! I will take that as a compliment since most of the voice were actually done by me and my friend JJ.
Pretty good.
+ very good art
+ good animation
+ OK story, some good touches
sound good, music good, voice acting better than some of your earlier stuff.
Isn't that girl rather well stacked for a squeeky little kid? lol!
I don't really understnad the storyline- maybe one has to understand anime formulas and rules to get the hang of this kind of thing. The story seems to be written as if we should already know the characters from somewhere. I suppose your going to tell me 'it will all become clear in the end' like so many flash authors say on NG!
If you really want us to see all the parts you should do as I said yesterday and say so neatly in the notes and again in the movies-
hyperlink to earlier parts in an intro and hyperlink to later parts at the end of each movie. This is important. Do it now.
Personally I don't like this whole genre all that much. the whole 'people stand there and wait for someone to throw a magic spell at them' thing drives me nuts, but hey that's not important.
-its good of its type, I suppose and i am sure it will get better.
Personally I think the titles would look better with the ts in capitals.
you could have notes at the end for people who get interested- see our DS movies and games, they all have 'more info buttons' In them you could, for example, tell us what the name techo- whatever it is means and perhaps where you get your inspiration. Remember, people who really like this stuff are the ones who will keep a check on you and vote high on all your stuff, so serve them well- you need to make your movies understandable and OK for everyone, cos everyone votes here, but aimed mainly for the real people who love this sort of thing- a balance.
Best Wishes,
Thanks for the advise all the way throuh. A lot will follow later after I get a broad band connection to update but it will be done in time.
lol boob grabbing!
Always something fun to throw in any flash you see ^^ Honk! LOL!