You said it yourself, this is only a simulation...
... which also means that it is just a movie of a game. It has no plot, no story, no likeable characters. There is next to nothing interesting about a movie of someone playing a game, unless the game itself is something to marvel at. Unfortunately, your game leaves a lot to be desired. It is a basic quiz game, with the only twist being that your choice determines which of two paths you take on a train track... one that takes you further, and one that kills you. Ask yourself: how much different is that, really, from a quiz game in which the player simply sees a win/lose screen? It might be somewhat more interesting if the train car crashed in multiple different ways... off a cliff with one wrong answer... smashing into a brick wall the next... falling into water or something. And it would be more interesting if answering correctly won you some prize, like getting to see a new area, or graphic of some kind. But that would only be interesting until you had seen them all... and the animation and graphics would need to be much better than what you have showcased here... otherwise there goes even THAT level of interest.
I'm not trying to be a jackass here, but with your descrition tooting your own horn like you did... basically sticking your tongue out at potential reviewers and shouting "MY whistle is bigger than YOUR whistle", and touting your previous submissions as some great and powerful things because they won some mediocre award... you're really asking people to ramp up their agression before reviewing your submission. You're assaulting their egos... nobody likes a guy who looks down at them. Especially if the "pedestal" he's looking down from is actually just a telephone book.