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Author Comments

Constructive reviews extremely welcome; I will reply to all reviews left!

Update: Fixed end buttons and preloader.

I spent a few days on this, putting in work when I could. As far as I know it all functions. If there are any problems please say in a review and I will update.

I know there is an overall lack of sound (I found some well suited, awesome sounds), but there seemed to be so many glitches. Even when I made all the sound into one track it managed to skip and start playing the ending bit in the middle! I decided to just take out all the sound that didn't work. Sorry! XD

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not bad one

Angryman, eh? the idea has been done before, but this animation here was very amusing. i didn't totally understand why this guy was angry... but oh well... being angry is a way of life i suppose. the graphics in this one could've used a small touch-up overall though, but it was still cool to watch and i got a good laugh out of this one.

(( Lol funny ))

Haha this was funny, a cute and shrt animation, the stick character was funny ever thought about a more defined character it might make the flash more better, and also the screen size seemed abit small.

Make the screen size abit larger.

A short short, funny stuff.


boner118 responds:

I can't remember why I made the thing that small in the first place, but when I thought 'this could look better bigger' I already had done loads and couldn't be bothered to change it. I think it was to do with the background sizes. Anyhoo, Merry Xmas.

I loved this but....

Why stick figures? Hillarious though, very funny. just wanted better art for that stick figure bit

boner118 responds:

A very simple question with a very simple answer; I can't draw lol. Hope you enjoyed it anyway. Merry Xmas.

pretty good

Not bad at all. I will say the animation was a litte bit poor but the ending cracked me up. I hope to see more. 5 all the way

boner118 responds:

Thanks a lot mate. This is one I did a while back but didn't upload (I think it was because I couldn't find the file :S). So ye, I was a way lot nooby. I updated a few things but I couldn't be arsed to rehaul the animation so I just left it. Still funny I think. Merry Xmas.

I thought it was pretty cool...

...a large amount of randomness featured here, but I can't say that really brought anything bad to the cartoon; I thought it worked better that way. The graphics wern't excellent, but certainly not bad. Sound was a little sparse but you said why so I'll let you off.

The bit where he gets slammed by the beam is way funny.

boner118 responds:

Thanks for the review. I am constanty trying to improve the graphics of everything I do, but it's hard because I'm crap at it lol. Sherry xmas!

Credits & Info

3.27 / 5.00

Dec 21, 2006
1:20 PM EST