Action seems Stiff and slow, but interesting!
I watch'd both videos so far (watched part 1 when it first came out, re-watched it for a refreshment) and overall its a good style with the stills, but i think the action seems a little stiff and slow. Most acions are very under-exagurated and its like every move doesn't phase them. Like the time when he just barely grabbed his sword from the ground, he then blocks a strike as he is laying. He didn't make any reaction taking the block and the girl flew back all so sudden.
Another thing is that the combat seems slow. Most times when you see someone strike with a sword, its almost instant. With this, you can see every frame for atleast a good half second, taking 3 seconds for the weapon to strike... making it look REALLY slow. The last part of the combat though with the flashing show'd massive improvement between both the First movie and this one.
Other than that, im enjoying the style and the girl is beutiful! Be sure to tell her that :). Don't kill her off though, even if it does come to the end of the series, cause if she dies... we'll make a movie about me coming after you for killing them off :)
Keep up the goodwork, just show a little more reaction and speed up the slashing and it'll be beyond amazing!