i seriosly didnt get it
tell whats the meaning email me at hgerald618845 @ newgrounds . com
Short low-on-story adventure set in fictional mongoliainspired surroundings.
i seriosly didnt get it
tell whats the meaning email me at hgerald618845 @ newgrounds . com
Well there really isn't any more to it than what is shown, so it would be rather pointless emailing you about it.
Loved it
Graphics were amazing and I liked the alternate endings. The third one was my favorite.
Thanks for liking it and for reviewing!
Always an experience
really is quite an exterordinary movie sebbe ;)
the graphical style was different but still retained the quirky style we've come to expect, as is the story, which made no sence yet made sence at the same time :P
the three endings were each very different, strange and brillant.
Can't wait tilll the next project starts ;)
Hah, you never miss my submissions.
Thanks for the review!:)
I( really didn't have much of an idea of what was going on, but it was well animated, directed and pretty darn entertaining. Keep it up
Thanks for the review!
pretty good. I kinda make me laugh. Even though i didn't understand wtf was going on:P But i guess that was kinda the point... The bes part was "men å, vafaen!" THAT SHIT WAS FUNNY!
Thanks for the review!
I first made this movie all in swedish and when I translated it to english I couldnt find a good expression for "men å, vafan!" so I kept it. Pretty much makes the main character swedish since thats all he says in the whole thing.