A man fucking a squirrel?
What is there to not like about that?
What's this squirrely guy thinking?
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A man fucking a squirrel?
What is there to not like about that?
exactly mister chainsawed chicken fingers !! XD
What no evil squirrels after his nuts?!?
Funny and not abd at all, but still kinda weird
ahahh whatta nutty situation XD
there is something seriously wrong with you...
yet, i'm intrigued...
Thanks for the laughs! keep them coming!
u intrigue me <3
That was a surprise...
I was waiting to see what the squirrel would do to him out of revenge, and was totally surprised with the ending that took place. Got a good shock laugh out of me. Thank you.
The Avenging Angel
what the hell? just stupid and pointess.
awkward awareness - be aware of those squirrely creepy guys in parks!! ;)