GOOD for you
i'm giving you an 8 just for remembering psychonauts. Seriosly iv'e asked every one I know and none of them have heard of it and another one because some of them look kind of good.
my friend smarty guy ( wanted me to make a mario short with his mario model. so i did. and i had just got like addicted to psychonauts the day before at my friends house so i put raz and bobby zilch in there. it ended up being random and totally weird.
GOOD for you
i'm giving you an 8 just for remembering psychonauts. Seriosly iv'e asked every one I know and none of them have heard of it and another one because some of them look kind of good.
W... T... F...
the 3 stars are all for raz, mario, and bobby, and with out "eh,cheeh,ehchecheeh" this wouldnt bev a review
It's missing alot but atleast none of the stupid half-assed youtube. jokes :P
+1 psychonauts
+1 raz
+1 bobby zilch
Not too shabby
this is okay but not as good but nice try!
Eh Psychonauts FTW but eh...
Like funny but didn't make much sense.