Wow this is my old account
Its always weird looking back on old accounts seeing what youve created when you where so young. i remember making this in my room with my friends. =]
---The Crime Chronicles---
-Zeke the commanders voice is comming soon!
Also thank all of you who supported me in this project and I hope enoy this Submition.
Wow this is my old account
Its always weird looking back on old accounts seeing what youve created when you where so young. i remember making this in my room with my friends. =]
dude i love this movie-travis-i love u too-fluffy-koo koo ka choo
u only got a good rating caus of the quote two lines ago.
For a first episode
It's a good job. The intro is a little bit long and the animation a little static, but I actually think that this was funny. Great job, if this is your first flash, I want to see the next ones
Thank you very much!
lol Toy Symphany.Only good part of the flash.The rest SUCKED MONKEY BALLS.
Lol, Thats a bit odd. You only like the music i pulled of my keybored and not the movie? Wtf?
i didnt quite like the venture from flash animation..... the single frame films just dont suite me..... but hey... thats just one opinion!!!
Thanks because it gives me somthing to look back on when im making movies. Basicly its supportive critisizm. so thanks.