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Please give me a X-mas present by voting fairly! 4 's and 5's greatly appreciated! Thanks!

NOTE: This is a Christmas themed version of the game -=STEALTH=- that I made!


-Backwards movement now works!!!
-Collect presents in your quest for extra presents!
-A nice short plot this time!

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one of the best stealth games ever created!!!!!!!!

great but i think you should add items and be able to stealth kill some people

um, why are two of these the same?

both this 1 and the new X-MAS one you just submitted are the same! I hope you're not entering both because on only changed the graphic on the box/present,,, I would blow the whistle on the other one because it's still in judgment but I'll give you a break and be checking back later making sure one of them is gone,,, or only one is in the contest,,,


Axlenz-FlashElite responds:

Yeah only one will be in the contest. The first one isnt christmas related, the second one is. Soon it will be switched! Wait till tomorrow!

The game it self was good

The game was good, im having trouble seeing what it has to do with the holidays, since the contest your in has to have holiday themed games. but looking past that it was a nice little game.

Axlenz-FlashElite responds:

Yes i recently noticed that, i am making an update soon that rethemes the game. (hint: boxes = presents)

Pretty Cool

Pretty good game. Very basic and smooth running. The sound fitted well abd the graphics weren't amazing but weren't bad either.
It was pretty easy, maybe a bit more complex levels - more things too look out for. CCTV/traps or something like that. The Stealth bar sometimes got in the way and one can't see the positioning of guards well enough.
I didn't like the fact that one can't move backwards without turning around as it takes too long. At times I found myself getting stuck on walls and being able to move directly backwards would have been a great way out of it.
Also there were times when guards could see through the walls, this is something you should look in to.
But overall a pretty cool game, well done.

Axlenz-FlashElite responds:

yeah i'm working on backwards movement

Fairly Good!

I liked it, very simple concept though and i've seen it around before. The graphics weren't that great, i think you should work on that. The music quality wasn't the best and i think the sounds you chose were average but maybe could've been better. If you make another one, you shoud make the stealth bar smaller and make the stealth go down slower. It would've been easier if it had've been positioned like a small interface of some sort. Well, apart from those, this was a pretty good game!

Well done!

Axlenz-FlashElite responds:

okay thats a very good idea mate. Only prob is most ppl want the stealth bar to go down slower

Credits & Info

3.45 / 5.00

Dec 13, 2006
8:00 PM EST