+++ All fairly polished graphics. Well cut-out.
++++ The various animations made me chuckle at one point.
Who's the girl in the angel outfit? I recognised the Star Trek dude's uniform, The HSBC guy, Blair, Thatcher, that tellytubby... not the others though.
+++ Good, fast, progression of difficulty.
-- Limited in nature.
??? Maybe it'd be cool to have a quick 'fact-file' for each person after having met them?
??? High-score tables? Or at least a 'personal best' to be recorded during play?
??? Maybe explicitly tell us how many points we get for the different things - maybe showing '+10/+whatever' after we shoot, or maybe on a seperate screen.
?? Maybe a big red flash or some on-screen indication as we take damage? The sound wasn't too obvious at first.
Played 3 times. 12??, 9??, 1923.
Amused but won't return.