this was so funny i loved it
this was so funny i loved it
i dont like this, its not funny at all.
well, heres a tip if u dont mind, do real animations, get more humor if u can, and please, please get good music, but other then that, its ok.
Hey... >:(
You stole one of my sigs! Ah whatever... This flash is FTW! And you have some true flash skills. Maybe you should de-face Vince and POKEMONMAD with these flashes. That'd make everybody's day.
AHAHAHAHAH I COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING THIS WAS JUST TOO DAMN HILARIOUS! You rock man you put al my favorite things in your animation.
1. it's a parody.
2. 2 animals screwing eachother
3. Ronald mcdonald getting his face blown in
You rock, keepmakin more parodies.
there is no point to this film.
try to make your own art work. there was no point to this film it was complete gibberish people like story lines and violence humor and games not gibberish.
This is called a paraody, you reviewed my last flash and said it was crap just because it was a parody,
Please in future dont leave pointless reviews