cool one
that was a nice animation... but i don't know very much spanish, so i was somewhat in the dark. the animation itself was quite nice, good graphics, nice audio and your efforts were quite nice.
Well, a friend and I did this animation. The characters are Alejandro Nolla's creation and we worked on the actual animation for 2 days.
Anita is the female character, she wants to understand why they are the only two beings in that lonely world, while Jeremías, the male character, is only interested in loving each other asking no more questions.
We are from Mexico, that's why the few texts are in spanish but here's the translation:
Aún Recuerdo = I still Remember
Pensar = to Think
Sentir = to Feel
So well, its a short animation,in a way its just an introduction to the characters. Please enjoy, and please comment what you think about it and if you would like to see more chapters of it.
Shandor and Alejandro.
B.T.W. The music is from the GoodBye Lennin Soundtrack ;)
cool one
that was a nice animation... but i don't know very much spanish, so i was somewhat in the dark. the animation itself was quite nice, good graphics, nice audio and your efforts were quite nice.
Bastante bíen
Me encanta este corto mentraje. Tu direccíon funciona bíen para ayudar personas que no hablan español. Mi unica cosa no me gustaba fue las letras con las sierras. Pensaba las palabras podria ser en la forma de una sierra sin lo que es literal.
A touching entry
Me agrada encontrar el trabajo de paisanos... una entrada bastante sentimental, algo que no es muy comun en newgrounds... Pero es bastante bueno...
Keep On the Good Work!
Strange, but good.
I don't understand Spanish (not that it is really needed for this flash), but I can recognize a good flash when I see one. The style is excellent, very surreal and almost Dali-esque. The sound complements the style of the flash very well. Excellent job, you should definitely make a sequel. 5/5
finally something different...
Me gusta la película mucho, pero no es fácil de entenderlo. ..ademas, que lo es muy mono también:)
forgive my bad spanish :P