Press and hold your mouse to choose the position+size of the new adjacent gear... use SHIFT and CTRL(Mac:OPTION) keys for additional actions...
-> SHIFT - creates a coaxial gear
-> CTRL - creates a pulley system (pressing space with CTRL allows you to move the pulley)
"U" = undo.
This is just an engineTest for the game I wanna do, as soon as I find some free time...
It's nothing much, but looks hypnotic 8)
Have fun
noones written in years...
im gonna reccomend this to the gadgets collection, seems to fit there
love it
i found this extreamly interesting... don't see why anyone wouldn't. like irving said i would love to see this turned into a game ^^ keep up the good work
This is really cool!
I would love to see a game made out of it. Perhaps something where you have a specific objective and a limited number of gears.
Patience, patience ;)
I don't have time right now, but I will in a few weeks (I hope)...
I still need to implement motors, free rearrangement of gears, influencable objects etc. ;)
Great concept with a lot of promise.
First of all, Really cool concept with a great attention to the math involved. I understand that there isn't a point to this, but it has a lot of possibilities and is very unique. I think have the beginnings of something really cool, so keep up the good work.
Yes, there's a lot of math involved here, and plenty of AS too, all the gears are API drawn, there's not even one movieClip here in this flash, 'cept the introText...
I'm sorry I did note make this a game, and I guess I won't do it either, cuz it looks like people don't find gears and mechanisms as appealing as I do, so I better not lose any more time on it...