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A game by Fatking Productions ( fatking.co.uk ).

'Swap' blocks to make matching rows or columns of blocks. Use the arrow keys ( or w,a,s,d ) to move the swapper and press Space to switch them. The aim of the game is to get the highest score possible before the blocks reach the top.
If you've cleared the screen, manually shift the blocks up with Ctrl.

For bonus points, match more than 3 at a time. Also, create Chain Combos for a huge bonus by making a chain reaction!

Hope you enjoy it!

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So cute and fun!

The graphics are adorable, the music is adorable, and the colors go perfectly together. Easy to play and a fun way to kill some time.

Excellent :D

Very awsome game I love it <3

Good game

cute addictive game, i loved the graphics :) kept me happy and not bored for a fair while, well done :D

A Copy, But a Somewhat DECENT Copy Nonetheless.

MASTERKETCHUP is right. This game does seem to act as a rip-off of SNES "Tetris Attack" (in it's own right, one of the greatest puzzle games ever created). I always imagined no game would REALLY measure up to it. So far, I've been right. I've yet to see a game exactly like Tetris Attack, or even measuring up to it in coolness.

At any rate,

1. Ditch the in-game advertisements.
2. Add some more animation in moving the blocks, they just sort of swap automatically.
3. Music could get faster or give us some heads-up thing when we're about to lose.

I don't know, it's likely because I'm so accustomed to the original game, I'm very unlikely to enjoy something similar to it that doesn't quite measure up, I'm just going to leave the game as it is and hope for something better in the future.

(PS: The strong point of the game was it's graphics. Games with original styles like this are favorites of mine =) )

Good luck, and good attempt at a puzzle :).


I liked the idea, the not being able 2 change the cursor is good cuz it's more of a chlange. if you'll make another game like this one, on hard please make it go faster, when I starded it was way to boring...

Credits & Info

3.96 / 5.00

Nov 29, 2006
8:48 AM EST