good job
i love bionicle and i just have to say good job, keep making them
good job
i love bionicle and i just have to say good job, keep making them
Good Flash
I am a HUGE fan of Bionicle, and I gotta say this is pretty good! Can't wait for more work from you!
It was okay... I guess...
could've been better, however I did like the way how it was all drawn like the Bionicle online games, tops on that point. Could've done with some voice overs. the subtitles also needed to be larger and/or in a speech bubble. And could've done without the continue (speech) button. Either way you did a top job.
Though you could've made it better at the beggining, I lost interest very quikly.
Good job
I am not a fan of boinacles, but its pretty good nice beginning with the guy falling from the sky lol pretty engaging. I don't got any advice for area of improvement just pretty good job.