Good idea but could use some work.
minor bug fixed, please tell me if you find another. thanks.
Show your supernatural skills and confront great pilots like Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and Han Solo!!. Hope you like the game.
Good idea but could use some work.
I disagree with the guy before me, this wasn't that bad, the graphics were alright, but i would really like to see more effort, like the lightsaber trainer one! Also This could be much better if it is harder to die, I found it diffacult to even get a couple kills in before BAM, perhaps if you add other starships to fight with you, or story mode or sumthin, but most of all make a larger playing feild, or let it open up because Its annoying when u crash into the side and die, Come on man, your better than this::))):):):):)
You spelt OPPONENT wrong...
Other then that it was pretty boring...And there was only one level... Needs major upgrades.
Needs Work
You need to make the area playable much bigger.
it was pretty bad , make it more interactive , like more than 1 level
it also had a few monir glitches , i don't know if it was my computer , but my bullet froze when i shot it