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Made With Beats, Love...

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Made with beats, love and caffeine!

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Some of the quick 'sketches' are imaginative, others amuse and others are just amazingly animated and a joy to behold. With the fast paced, the multitude of ideas present and the funky beats, this is wonderful.

I love the breakdancing and strutting bull (don't know the name of that move it was doing at the start, but it was really amazingly well animated), the fish with the trumpet, J.Hendrix, the reindeer, the random turkey scene... every short section entertains and brings something fresh to the mix. When it all ends, I had no choice but to watch it again. And again. And again.

I am in awe. Both entertaining and an inspiration for myself.

Stay funky,

Very good drawing

I liked the music, plus you drew really good frame-by-frame with that snoboarding deer! That was impressive. I gave you a five dawg.


I like this!

distinctive . . .

Well, it's a more unique style than most. The material had a recycled feel to it, though ... I can't say I thought it was that great.

very nice

art was just great, just as everythingelse in this film, just one good film, keep it up...

Credits & Info

4.21 / 5.00

Oct 17, 2001
10:45 PM EDT
  • Daily 2nd Place October 19, 2001