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Project #087 Explanation

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An explanation of a pleasurable activity. You should try this one, all you need is a sheet of paper and... you'll see.

- Hristo Atanasov (RatherRandom)

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i think i made one of those in art class once

Hard to understand.

I got the whole project thing, and i understand how it works, thx to the drawings, But the voice was hard to understand. Very well done and a good idea for a bored group of... well anyone. I could see something like this in retirement homes. Really clever and very cheap to do.

RatherRandomReality responds:

Retirement homes!
You made my day with this comment, seriously.
The voice is hard to understand because it's mine and English is not my first language, but hey, I try, ok?


Also called "Cadavre Exquise" ;)

RatherRandomReality responds:

Nope, Cadavre Exquise is something else. This is Project#087.


Cool!, a thing i liked was the combination of recorded voices, it was great!
I had nobody to make this with, so i made it by myself, and i finished making a dinosaur head with a dress, and, well, you know...
For the rest, cool animation, keep making that works man!

RatherRandomReality responds:

Hahaha, you skrewed the concept a little by making it by yourself, 'cause you knew what's on the other side, but anyways. I have like 40 of these that we made with a friend of mine, maybe I'll make a Flash presenting them in a funny (I hope) way. Thanks for the review!

Ok then.....

Good enough. i like the hand drawn feel to it. and the nutter that speaks. I don't know why i watched that, thinking back.

RatherRandomReality responds:

The nutter that speaks is me, and considering that I'm a savage from Bulgaria, I think this one was a great achievement for me.

Credits & Info

3.92 / 5.00

Nov 25, 2006
11:08 AM EST