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Darryl's Chicken Dash

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Well, here's my very first attempt at a game using Flash. This is a reworking of a game I made on the Amiga using AMOS more years ago than I care to remember... It's pretty close to the original, hence the super bitmap-style graphics! Good luck with it!

By the by, you might just notice that I can't draw cars. Not remotely!

** EDIT: In the portal at 3.27?? That's like at least 1.27 more than I was hoping for! Thanks very much to all who voted. In your honour I replaced that crappy hand-drawn chicken on the title page with a nice hedgehog instead. Enjoy.

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nice game

that was a pretty fun game and it was a joy watching him get squashed... only some of the humour was taken away since i barely touched a car, like on the side or from behind and i get killed.... maybe a bug or just very very touch sensitive. overall, this one was pretty cool, nice graphics, good concept, cool audio and it was a good time killer.

Katzma responds:

Thanks for your nice review. It did pretty well for my first game! You're right about the cars, it wasn't a bug they're just incredibly dangerous! Well, time for the next project...

That was funner than a frogger game.

Overall I thought the game was pretty fun, but there are a few flaws. The back part of the cars is almost the same color as the road, so I kept on hitting that part. And the controls are pretty smooth, but they are a little hard to control. One thing that would have made this game a lot better, would be different effects like different colored cars and different characters. Good Luck. MMKAY

Katzma responds:

Well, thanks for that! Yeah, it's sucky all the cars look the same but I only started learning ActionScript like 3 days ago and my know-how didn't stretch to how to change 'em yet. Never mind, might do better next time!

Frogger games...

I'm not a big fan of these types of games, I think they have been done to death a bit. But I will be as un-biased as the next person. The graphics aren't too bad, there's not really much more you could do there, unless you were to add more screens, and other vehicles. My main issue with this game though was the controls. for a top down game I personally think that the controls should be camera-centric, rather than character-centric, but I may be in the minority there, we'll just have to wait and see. Good luck with any future games, I'll look out for them

Credits & Info

4.50 / 5.00

Nov 23, 2006
9:37 AM EST