I cried it was so good, really stood the test of time
Well this movie is actually back from some point in 2002-2004, I can't remember (short term memory loss). It's strange, rediculous, stupid, prepubecent, it's a movie that should have gone huge on newgrounds. You'll see, I have come a long way.
I cried it was so good, really stood the test of time
nice one
that was a pretty cool animation. great choice of audio in this one and very good graphics in it too. i liked it.
pretty cool
jim morrison was a fuckin legend. i wish this was finished though. it was really cool up until it got stuck on the bull
I knew the title sounded familiar, I used to listen to this over and over agian, and I forgot the title, thanks you! Also, its pretty good if you drew those demon things, and uhm, Im sure someone else will tell you this but your not supposed to submit unfinished flash, o well, 5vd.
Thanks for the positive feedback, because of you I'm gonna finish this movie
and uh crap, i forgot you werent supposed to submit unfished movies :S
WTF...why do i like this so much?
This confuses me. I sit there and think about it and im liek "thats not really that great" Then i watch it and im mezmerized. I just watched that 15 times in a row, and Im about to watch it again. Seriously man...good job I guess...im still kind of disoriented.
Thanks for the positive feedback, because of you I'm gonna finish this movie